Poisson process

Results: 276

61Stochastic processes / Markov chain / Continuous-time Markov process / Markov property / Hidden Markov model / Poisson process / Uniformization / Stochastic matrix / Discretization / Statistics / Markov processes / Markov models

Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research–778 Submitted 04/14; publishedTutorial on Structured Continuous-Time Markov Processes Christian R. Shelton

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Source URL: jair.org

Language: English - Date: 2014-12-23 19:06:41
62Poisson process / Optimal control / Birth–death process / Mathematical optimization / Statistics / Markov processes / Markov decision process

Chapter 1 ADMISSION CONTROL IN THE PRESENCE OF PRIORITIES: A SAMPLE PATH APPROACH Feng Chen Department of Statistics and Operations Research University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

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Source URL: stat-or.unc.edu

Language: English - Date: 2009-08-13 14:16:22
63Teletraffic / Stochastic processes / Markov models / Traffic generation model / Traffic flow / IEEE 802.16 / Poisson process / IEEE 802 / Discretization / Statistics / Queueing theory / Markov processes

Practical Traffic Generation Model for Wireless Networks Sergey Andreev1 , Alexey Anisimov2 , Yevgeni Koucheryavy1 , and Andrey Turlikov3 Tampere University of Technology1 (TUT), FINLAND

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Source URL: anisimoff.org

Language: English - Date: 2012-09-07 15:24:06
64Ecology / Mathematical and theoretical biology / Applied mathematics / Markov chain / Poisson process / Geometric Brownian motion / Population viability analysis / Brownian motion / Mathematical model / Statistics / Stochastic processes / Markov processes

Models for predicting extinction times: shall we dance (or walk or jump)?

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Source URL: www.mssanz.org.au

Language: English - Date: 2013-01-15 17:46:22
65Computational neuroscience / Neuroscience / Statistical theory / Entropy / Poisson process / Neural coding / Point process / Biological neuron model / Mutual information / Statistics / Information theory / Stochastic processes

Time Resolution Dependence of Information Measures for Spiking Neurons: Atoms, Scaling, and Universality Sarah E. Marzen Michael R. DeWeese

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Source URL: www.santafe.edu

Language: English - Date: 2015-04-22 11:26:08
66Brownian motion / Mathematical finance / Operations research / Mathematical optimization / Poisson process / Point process / Statistics / Stochastic processes / Stochastic

PDF Document

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Source URL: www.nps.edu

Language: English - Date: 2013-11-04 13:14:19
67Poisson processes / Conjugate prior / Exponential distribution / Normal distribution / Bayesian inference / Gamma distribution / Parameter / Sufficient statistic / Empirical Bayes method / Statistics / Bayesian statistics / Statistical theory

Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, 25(3), ppMaydoi:j.jlpPrediction of occupational accident statistics and work time loss distributions using Bayesian analysis Ef

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Source URL: ipta.demokritos.gr

Language: English - Date: 2012-10-30 07:07:56
68Stochastic processes / Poisson process / Convolution / Gamma distribution / Statistics / Mathematical analysis / Mathematics


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Source URL: people.math.aau.dk

Language: English - Date: 2004-12-03 03:46:02
69Poisson processes / Point process / Cox process / Siméon Denis Poisson / Bias of an estimator / Maximum likelihood / Poisson distribution / Poisson regression / Statistics / Stochastic processes / Statistical theory

0.1 Inference (This text written by Jesper Møller, Aalborg University, is submitted for the collection ‘Stochastic Geometry: Highlights, Interactions and New Perspectives’,

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Source URL: people.math.aau.dk

Language: English - Date: 2008-02-15 08:31:59
70Diagrams / Discrete geometry / Mosaic / Tessellation / Voronoi diagram / Point process / Stochastic geometry / Poisson process / Dietrich Stoyan / Statistics / Stochastic processes / Markov processes

Stochastic Geometry and Random Tessellations Jesper Møller1 and Dietrich Stoyan2 1 2 Department of Mathematical Sciences, Aalborg University,

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Source URL: people.math.aau.dk

Language: English - Date: 2007-10-25 08:57:08